CZ-USA CZ 75 B Black Polycoat 75th Anniversary 9MM 91137


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UPC: 806703911373

The CZ 75 is the flagship model of the CZ handgun line. The CZ-75B features the short recoil, tilt barrel with radial locking lugs. Characteristic features of all versions include: all steel construction, fixed sights, a double column magazine, and slide stays open after last cartridge has been fired. The ‘B’ designation is an indicator that the model is equipped with a firing pin block safety. The CZ 75 B SA (single action) is identical to the CZ 75 B in all aspects except that it has a single action trigger mechanism and a drop-free magazine. This 45th Anniversary model features a gloss blued metal finish with engraving and engraved wood grips.

Certificate number #0444/1000